My Passion….

Animals have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Interacting with them was always my highest priority and my favorite activity. I started showing and training horses in high school and loved the feeling of connecting with an animal well enough to gain their trust and willingness to work with me.


When I was younger, I always taught family dogs and friends pets, little fun things. I really got into serious behavior training over 25 years ago with my first rottweiler, Taz. My relationship with him created the drive to immerse myself into learning as much as I could about dog behavior and animal communication. I soon realized that helping people understand their dogs and to build a working relationship was not only my passion but also an extremely rewarding and fun career. 


I have been training dogs in the industry and as a career for over 25 years. Working for facilities and other business owners has given me the opportunity to expand my knowledge and stay skilled in an ever changing and growing field. Helping many clients with many different dogs and issues helps to keep me on top with continued education and experience.


I have owned and worked with many different breeds and temperaments of dogs, I have shown, competed and prepared for competition events such as Rally, obedience and various field events. I find worth and fulfillment in working with people and dogs to find the balance that makes their relationship better.
